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Introducing the

60 Second Profile

Professional • Effective • Affordable

A 60 Second Profile™ is a network quality, professionally produced one-minute video, custom created to accomplish your unique business or personal objectives.

Seize this new opportunity to broadcast yourself, your business, organization, product or service with a Fortune Five Hundred-level commercial at an extremely reasonable price.

All our 60sp videos are uniquely tailored for your needs, desires, and budget -– meticulously led by veteran filmmaker Miles McNamara.

For an individual seeking employment, here's an example (video resume) of an ultra simple, yet effective, down-to-earth answer to the question, "Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?" There are now two videos for client, Kyler Miles - at right:


Kyler Miles is a young college student, seeking additional part time employment. His two 60sp videos motivate potential employers to read his CV and, more importantly, agree to an in-person interview.

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